Started Jojo's today(+some questions)
Hot take
Looking for Anime with Deep, Unconfessed Love
How many shows will you be watching this upcoming Spring 2025 season?
Anime where mc is in a clan
I have a *crippling* fear of school shootings
Scale 1-10 how repulsive is my Anime tier list?
my anime/manga recommendations
Thoughts on my 3x3 list?
Are there actually 20+ year olds on this sub?
One more time
Which of your favorites made the list?
Should I Watch this ?
Anime with NO fanservice
Trying to remember a vampire anime movie I saw as a kid
Here is my anime 3x3
How do you list your animes watched
Any way to get louder volume?
Why is Crunchy Roll missing so many dubs?
Will ordinary person will get steins gate? How to understand most of it.
Help lol
Ok, actual fast paced Eurobeat songs?
What's a popular anime you dropped or never started?
Should I watch this?