Fuckin Diabolical! Season 4 Official Trailer tommorow??
Do we still think the trailer is dropping today? If so what time?
What are your Final predictions for season 4 before the trailer come outs
Best character overall in the group?
The Boys Season 4 Official Trailer when? does anybody have an idea of the next trailer for Season 4?
Any particular location in a Fromsoft game that made you go, WOW?
Which Fromsoft boss has the most FRUSTRATING build up?
Which Fromsoft title has the BEST armor set?
Which Fromsoft game has the WORST moonlight greatsword?
Which Fromsoft game has the best “feel”?
Which Soulsborne game has the best source of healing?
Which Fromsoft game has the best exploration?
Which Fromsoft game has the best “dragons”?
Which FromSoftware game began your Soulsborne journey? And where are you now?
Which Soulsborne boss has the most intimidating design?
Password match making not working
How long would it take until hollowing?
What happens to spirit summons when they perish?
Pain pain pain
Im ng+2 lvl 255 and struggling with eldin beast i need a build
Astel Natrualborn
Where the hell are the summon signs in farum azula??
30th Birthday
Which is your favourite final boss in Soulsborne?
Which NPC has the best Quest Line?