So when's the next COD released?
why did they remove the ninja turtle game mode?
Hacker gave me Prestige master and all achievements
Is Cash App stocks worth it?
Favorite AR? (DLC included)
What year did you start bo3?
Is Storm Connections for 30$ worth it?
Xbox Game Pass game sharing not working on home xbox
Fastest Way Getting Money
Anyone know how this isn’t S rank?
Favorite ultimate jutsu?
Intel ability disabling?
What foods do you miss from closed restaurants from around Redding?
I really wanna get into PVP
patch notes thing
Today marks 6 months since Connections released, how’re we feeling now?
So seeing as this is a major order we’re supposed to lose…
This sub has to stop assuming youre getting kicked because of xyz
PSA: You're getting kicked because you're bad.
Rude to take peoples gear when they die
Maybe this can finally put an end to the idea that Joel is just changing numbers?