Help! Road conditions as of 10:37pm Sunday
What non-sexual thing do you constantly fantasize about?
What is the most important thing in life?
Which Pop Lady in Waiting is Next to Have Their Sabrina/Chappell Moment?
How did you recognised you have developed love for someone?
Completely screwed up a speech I had to read vs. briefing. Tips on improving?
Looking for deep, emotional songs that hit you right in the soul.
Having a song fully exist in your head after not existing at all 5 minutes ago is exhilarating
Deck identification question
I recently used Tarot as a tool to help me write poetry.
Does anyone want long term anymore
Do you take time to develop yourself when you live alone?
What's the weirdest thing you've discovered about your partner only after moving in together?
Feeling old and I'm not even 18
Will he apologize or will he deflect?
Share your last played song
The illusion is gone (rant)
Self care, if money was not an issue
Love in this generation
(iil) riptide vance joy
Songs about dissociating/ being someone else
Is it bad to only do sad music
First Time Moving: Expensive or Cheap stuffs?
I can't believe that out of millions of sperms, I was the fastest
What's a hobby you have trying that brings you joy