Discovered unusual looking moles/nevus on anus. Please advise.
I placed YouTubers on the political compass
Best way to spend 2k on a suit?
Anyone call an ambulance/ go to the ER here? How was the experience?
[English>Japanese] need to see a cardiologist here in Japan Please translate the body text to help me communicate concisely
Zillenials, is anyone considering leaving the US due to the economy and abysmal job market?
What flag is this?
where to find beautiful black women in san diego. ?
Rest Easy, Sir Anthony Hopkins.
I left everything and moved across the world with no knowledge of the language AMA
One of my friends on deployment sent me this and I’m shocked
Today was our second official meetup for the newly formed P.A.I.N.T. Club, a.k.a Plein-Air In Nippon Together. This time it was in Kannon-Ji Kyoto.
I just thought this was funny.
Devil fish, Octopus fishing
Health insurance is limiting patients' ability to maintain their health by under-supplying medical equipment.
Need help in Hiroshima
Name this good actor
Syria is free today after 13 years of revolution
Can someone identify this watch worn by Edward Fox in Day of the Jackal (1973)?
Favorite under-appreciated film?
Welp, here goes nothing (I’m white, male, Lutheran, and 22 years old)
Where can I find Oronamin C Royal Polis in Tokyo?
Scammers at Euclid and Federal today
ID on the navy ribbed cardigan Ted Danson is wearing?