The prayer of Amma Sarah ancient christian hermit
European citizens who have the political science degree,what job are you doing now?
Day 42 of nofap and help me! I'm so horny today that I can't stand it anymore, I have only sexual thoughts in my head and I can't handle it anymore
Strive to be perfect,it is possible
After 16 days, i relapsed
Does exercise help?
My experience after 4 months of NoFap
I just masturbated again after 7 months
One must never be discouraged when facing temptations
Perseverance is key
I fell again after 7 days
You will be tempted until you die
Heavy meal(2 large plantains,3 eggs and salad mix)
I just had a severe temptation attack
Micah 7 8 if you have relapsed
Swapped my Versace eros energy for this beast. 9/10
Day 29
The D*monic Side of Porn:
We have to imitate Christ
Day 21
What is the one note in a fragrance that you can't stand?
I really need to get through this year… I can’t keep doing this.
I’m supposed to be a leader, how can I move on.
No fap 2025... Who's with me 💪