The Tribulation Entanglement is my solo dev project inspired by Metroid II and Castlevania.
Who said unga bunga can't be stylish?
The 100% Lore Accurate Top 10 Best Elden Ring Bosses List
How do I beat this guy?
Silent Hill 2 isn't scary
Power Stone Online Multiplayer could rival Smash Bros.
Knight of the Solitary Gaol, 0 Sciddy, Hitless
Who's that boss you like fighting that everyone else hates?
what is your favorite boss in the game?
This bat species eerily resembles a clicker
Doing a No Map / Limited Fast Travel run
Weapon leveling needs an overhaul in the next game
The switch from opinions around PCR was crazy to see
yeah sure i died why not
[KCD2] Am I terrible or is early game supposed to be a hobo simulator?
Show me your best girl character you managed to create.
Ainsel River secret
I’ve never been sad at a NPC’s death in any FromSoft game.. until now 🥺.. why is it always death
Bask in the perfection that is my Tav
There's one rock in sol manor where you can summon your horse..... is this intended?
Yuffie Appreciation post!
What’s your go to party?
The Only Nine Bosses You Are Guaranteed to Fight Every Playthrough No Matter Which Ending You Get or Route You Take Through the Game
What’s the most runes you’ve lost permanently from dying?