People need to stop using this fight to upscale Geto, he was using playful and we know playful cloud gives you a massive AP buff as seen with Maki. He doesn’t scale to Rika in any way
Pick who goes in the black cell
I love human Sans💙
Genuinely curious, which of the 3D Undyne models are the favorite? (First post!)
Not sure how people feel about the Saka days dub but Heisuke’s dub voice hits different, he has the best dub in the show imo
Your last saved image made Frieza react like this, what is it?
Am I the only one that didn’t fuck with Heisuke until episode 8-9/Lab arc? I thought he was pretty lame in episode 6
Undertale Cast
Asriel has infinite ATK but for some reason can’t one-shot you, am I the only one that thinks this doesn’t make sense?
Yeah , that's not gonna happen
Okay, hear me out guys
"Guys x series has better animation than sakamoto days"
So they did the opposite of what I was expecting, they adapted chapter 32 and skipped 33. IDK why, 33 is more important then 32 since it puts focus on Sakamoto’s marriage
Goku’s reaction to Beerus beating his friends and family’s ass
Best moment in the Sonic movie universe
Was looking forward to those huge areolas, I am disappointed
Hot Take: If Sonic Frontiers flopped, the same people who hate on this game in the fandom would be calling it an underrated masterpiece
Pestonya is my crush.
Does anyone have a link to a video of the fight against Chara in an Undertale AU where a song called "Devilovania" plays and this particular sprite of Chara is used? I've been trying to find that video for a long time but can't seem to find it. A video with no commentary would be preferred.
Mereoleona is THICK booty will kill you👀BlackClover
Who wins? Super Perfect Cell vs Super Saiyan Goku(Buu Saga)