I've always felt there should be more inclusive representation of glacial wurms in MTG.
What are the little things your LGS does to make you feel comfortable there?
We did it!
Put mana in to get even more mana?
Still figuring out what art would fit
I cant think of a tittle.
What do you guys think of this first opponent's behavior against Regis during the theorycraft?
"This weapon leaves a lot of exposure if you hit high, so make sure to be prepared." (Designing Legendaries of each Cost for each class #95.7: Warrior)
"Your Soul shall be mine!"
(6/145) Guild Wars 2 themed set. New Invoking type!
I can show you my hand, for a price
New Hunter Card Revealed - Extraterrestrial Egg
Dragon Priest Cards with a interesting twist -> Swipe for more cards ->
3 mana heal 8 or something more?
I'll post a priest card every day until Blizzard offers me a job to ruin it. (Day 05)
Wild format balance relevance for card design
I am power, AND corruption.
He cant wait to see them all !
“No way Rogue’s silly little 1-drops can deal with my mountain”
At least they look pretty
I see you...casting a lot of spells.
Okay, let’s try this again!
Predictions for the Perils in Paradise miniset
[BLB] Season of Loss