Can anyone tell me what ….. is this?
name suggestions?
Pulling up a THICK Monte Carlo carpet
What I asked for vs What I got
A lady dropped off this massive Cory catfish with me today. She was just gonna flush him down the toilet because he "destroyed her plants." How could anyone be so heartless to such a sweet critter?
I wanted to get a video of this guys colour at my lfs but this is the maddest a bettas ever been at me LOL sorry lil guy
Is it inhumane to put 3 guppies into a 5 gallon bucket?
name suggestions (unserious)
They were sitting like this for 20 minutes. “SocRATes and HippocRATes”
my bank account is negative now but oh well. got the GOT set for only $40 !!!
Follow the Pods
So, I discovered a new species which is pretty rad; check it out :)
Merry Christmas
[GA] - USA - Free Shrimp & Guppy Giveaway
Is this... heaven?
My little Mini Timmy when he was about 4 weeks old ❤️💙
At this PetSmart the aquarium staff tried to visually explain what you're getting into.
Dragon Sternum Tattoo, I’m so happy with it! What’s everyone’s thoughts? (Artists insta: @_skulltime_) London
15 weeks post-op Dr. Bank Suporn Clinic (primary surgery)
Is there a way for me to send this shirt to Jamie as an Xmas present?
What is the green thing?
Found 11 books for $6 at my local thrift store, none of which I owned yet, and made out like a bandit. My foray into Discworld just got much easier.
He even relax in my hand
What do you guys use if Tums don’t work?
Getting rid of my remaining isopods