Lifelong Horde Player - Thought Alliance Were Generally smarter Players.
This guy is really into RP
It's been an interesting week.
Sod phases ranked
A few memes of questionable quality that I made about the Anniversary and SoD Battlegrounds getting mixed while bored at work yesterday.
Back to grinding AV
Alliance crest I crafted out of wood.
I Hope This Doesn't Happen Again..
Chronoboons now 1g from Chromie
POV you are looking at your alliance raid team
Make Execute Zug Again
Made this meme to capture the experience of those many Classic Anniversary players who were the first to PvP in The Battlegrounds
Framed up this super detailed Azeroth map I got awhile back
Sod rankers farming freshies in AV
Sod vs Vanilla
SOD players are being put in anniversary server Alterac Valley
The priest from Classic Anniversary servers, who hasn't touched SoD since phase 1, getting Meathooked by my warrior in Alterac Valley be like...
roll back and delete every chronoboon bought for 20 silver from AV
New SoD Phase 7 Boss Leaked..thoughts?
Confession: I enjoy buffing players just out of their range so they can’t return the favor as I pass them in open world.
Cleared RFC at level as Alliance (Doomhowl Hardcore)
First time player. Game is fun. People are great. I love WoW.
Maybe Horde was a mistake
[World First] Thrall Kill on Nightslayer - PVP. 600+ Players.