Milestone reached! 100 SNES CIBs!
Milestone Reached! 100 SNES CIBs!
My DVD and VHS cabinets were overflowing, bought this case thinking I could consolidate the two with plenty of room for expansion. I was wrong.
Let’s hear your top 5 PS1 games
got these two why does it say based on a true story
Hidden gems?
First battery change
Comedies like "Hangover 1, Big Lebowski" etc ??
What's the best DS game for my sister to get into handhelds?
Why does Godzilla love attacking Tokyo so much? What did the people there ever do to him?
Big cat, bigger leap
Post Your Xenoblade Pets! (Possible spoilers)
After starting my first play through of Xenoblade Chronicles on the wii 3 years ago Ihave finally finished this masterpiece of a game. I think this is one of the greatest games I have ever played.
What are your thoughts on this scene?
My PS2 grails so far
Two of My Fav Red Guys (Clifford is a kaiju, right?)
Does the SEGA CD have any good games other than SONIC CD?
I might be stupid
Looking for solid RPGs
What are your thoughts on hot dogs?
What would you say is the greatest *sequel* of all time to the original movie?
Recently purchased Lion King box w/ no game and I’m suspect of its legitimacy. Print layers on box and manual look questionable but maybe it’s a different region or something? Can anyone help me verify if it’s legit or repro?
What's a movie that started a trend? I blame this one for Shaky Camera Syndrome
Got fired today out of no where. Please show me your cats.