Don’t even have words for this one
Will Google ever fix the lag to home screen with 3rd party launchers? I miss using a custom launcher
I don't understand the Nothing phones hype. Whats so special about them? The ui kinda looks ugly and too minimal and the specs are decent so i don't get all the hype apart the lights which can't even turn to any other color for a bit customization.
Korn, Corpsepaint, supposed to be "gothic"
Hello, what vibe do i give off? :p
I bought the arcane art book on Amazon and didn't receive it.I ordered it on Amazon Italy on the 8th of December and they now say stock is unavailable.They don't know when it will be available.It's a gift for my long distance gf and I need it in 2 weeks since we meet 2times a year,told to wait april
Thank you for stopping me from panic buying! Now, please help me pick between these two: iPhone 15 or Samsung Galaxy S24+.
Help me buy my first phone!
First time ever my gt 6 gave me over 8 hours sot (after turning on airplane mode) at home
I wanna date for marriage
I preordered the arcane book from Amazon MX, but I haven't had an update yet - should I cancel?
[no spoilers] Question about the "The Art and Making of Arcane" artbook
Did anyone actually receive their art book if you ordered off Amazon? Specifically in the UK. I ordered it on the 7th of December and I am still waiting to even get the date they will send it. I am wondering if anyone knows anything.
I just tried to compare the bezels of my phone to s25 ultra and I regret it.
Ragazzi, ma voi di norma quante volte uscite con gli amici?
are online relationships worth the effort?
Infati si stano canbiano tuto 😡😡😡😡😡
Dipsomania sticker I made for my laptop
My boyfriend took me to Build a bear for my 15th birthday!!
How much sot do you get from your phone?
GT 6 Battery life after recent update to UI 6
How tf am i gonna be 15 next year???
è socialmente accettato pubblicare su instagram due storie di fila se entrambe sono foto mie?
What should i do💀
Is This Normal Battery Drain After Replacement? Need Advice Model is Realme GT Neo 2