SFAH: Weird Things For A Metal Singer To Say/Sing
What is your husband's sister's husband called?
Childs father taking me to court to make me change my daughter’s middle name?
I Feel So Damn Incompetent
Anyone know an officiant for a wedding last minute before Jan 20?
He got 3 wives
Oregon reaches highest number of whooping cough cases since 1950
I’m being subpoenaed. Can I use the 5th amendment to protect myself?
What’s with everyone buying buttloads of bottled water??
Voir Dire for DV - False Accusations
Found inside an old textbook
[MN] TW- animal cruelty. Is it legal to kill your own pets?
Am I liable if unknowingly transporting illegal substances while working?
Hotel staff took towels off of the rack they should be hung on to not get them changed
Is there anywhere left to get an affordable COVID vaccine?
Oregon's justice system criminalized my husband's mental health crisis and effectively forced our separation
Abu Cat decided to take matters in his own hand, what do you think he spoke about?
My mom always says he’s ugly and my aunt agrees, thoughts?
Update: Sadcat has been caught, he spent the night in the bathroom. Waking him up for his appointment, my poor baby is stressed out :(((
AIO or is this a total breech of privacy?
Is it possible to have the opposing party pay for legal fees if I win a civil case?
Posted outside courtroom.
PDs described in case law
Adopted a black kitten. His paws are bigger than his head.
Can I sue my leasing office for excessive water bills?