You can only have one... sleep or workout?
TIL: CUNY students get free WSJ, NYT. Why didn't they tell us?
Running 5 days per week
First attempt: Philly, asparagus tempura, & crab rangoon, all homemade!
Police arrest three people in connection to the Big Mac bridge fire
Americans who have lived abroad, biggest reverse culture shock upon returning to the US?
What is one thing you wish would become a normal part of 5k 10k and Half Marathon events?
People who are happy with their lifestyle, how do you spend your day?
Multi-city trip to the USA
How’s your digestion (and shits)?
What was your most memorable "I'm tired, overstimulated, and if I don't get mediocre food from my own country right now I might cry" moment? Was it delicious or disappointing?
Ideal Magnesium Threonate dosage for sleep?
What do you eat for breakfast that doesn't make you tired after?
What does your diet look like currently
Any hobbies that I can do all day to fill up my 1 month vacation? Preferably cheap.
Beginner 50k races in the Midwest or along the East Coast?
Creatine before sleep has been amazing for me
What food trucks would you want to see in Cincy?
Do you carry water purification tablets as a back-up?
Do y’all count walking the dog for 45 minutes as a workout?
Diet plans
Tips for 75 Hard during a Ski Trip
first years: do we have to fly directly to spain?