Anyone have this stl?
Where do people usually get steel balls from?
Why can’t I add my buff Morty to my party? I accidentally removed him but can’t add him
How do you guys keep your shit? I lose my lights!!
How do you get the one true Morty in multiplayer?
What tool?
McDonalds Oreo McFlurry
Ruler to awl mod
Favorite toothpaste?
What is the purpose of this flat part here? Does it have a purpose?
Do you guys have some ideas for this?
How do I lubricate my new Leatherman wave+? I opened and closed the pliers for like an hour and got it a bit looser but it doesn’t like fall open which is what I want!
How can I model this so I can print in one piece without the need of the parts on the side of the elastic?
small dainty tattoos i did today ^-^
This thing is why I spent 4 hours waiting in the emergency room to get 7 stitches on Christmas Eve
How much weight can it hold if we copy and print these?
Innovative or unnecessary?
4" plastic vial of liquid wired to a branch on the beach.
Picked up my first pair of knippen pliers, and it just seems odd to me that they aren’t fully closed when locked? Is this normal?
Anybody else have an EDC tray?
Replacement for my Rebar
I think I found what I’ll be using the blanks for! Mini slim Jim!
Tilburgs dialect woordenboek
What do you guys think of my little Slim Jim?
Stocking Stuffer [Giveaway] Weltool T1 Pro Tac
What is this tool