Torn between 2 and 4
The Day Has Come?
Bought a new phone case with 8ft drop protection
Parking for Waterfront marathon?
People who park on the shoulder at Pearson - why??
Pilot hug right side of lane Assist
What did everyone name your Polestar?
Turning Left on Red
Car making “vacuuming” noise
Now you can set charge limit in the app. They actually did it!
This seems familiar
Wild butcher theory
Part of the club now after 7 months
Let’s hear your over/under for voter turnout?
AMA - Alvin Tedjo for Mayor of Mississauga
Parrish's commanding lead in polls nearly vanishes days before Mississauga vote | CBC News
G1 driver caught going 240km/hr on 401
if you thought Polestar value drops fast...
Certain songs available on YouTube but not ytm
Best EV option? - Used or new Tesla
Seasons ticket holders: how are you reselling to games you can’t go to?
Questions Soon-to-be Owner of a Polestar 2! (Toronto)
25M, halfway through 36 month lease. Ask me anything!
If only trains had their own roads.
Is two weeks annual vacation enough in Canada??
I can’t figure out what car this is!