How to not snack binge?
(17) struggling & exhausted to (20) healthy & full of energy
Will I still lose weight eating 87g of fat but 1,270 cal total?
Songs that are emotionally wrecking.
breakfast part 2 💥
Part of losing weight is accepting that food must play a less significant role in your life
Weight Loss is Hard
safe food
What do you wear to bed?
What Line can you not get over
I am really struggling to maintain my deficit
40lbs Down in 6 Months
Will I be able to lose fat?
Doctor said I'm not eating enough... how do I increase my protein??
Send me some feel-good tunes?
This is hitting 👌
breakfast of 1 plain rice cake with garlic chili sauce. so that i don’t burn muscles in my workout
You don’t even want to know what I was talking about on that thread
Nail advice needed!
Dorito chips, estimate?
Losing weight is like torture. The cravings, I have to fight off everyday.
This breakfast was 10/10 delicious! 470 calories, 40g protein, 13.3g fiber
24F and still a virgin
15.4 pounds down!
Has anyone checked on you lately?