Do you actually want to stop, or are you okay with this?
Her first day at work and she got burnt out, got drunk and passed out. Sounds like a successful first day to me
Most satisfying scene in Stranger Things
Movies as a first date is a bad idea!
anyone else feel really bad for CA?
Ugh please follow the script!!
Stuck it out for no reason. Need ideas for how to spend my last week.
I hope I wake up in that world when I die.
If you had 1 week left on Earth (no money) how would you spend your time?
Does anyone else feel like they haven't done enough damage?
My nose has ruined my life.
Beast Games - Episode 9 Discussion
What's the best video essay to watch?
What is the best face your dog makes when he wants something?
Share your snow dogs!
Peculiar shape
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy before and after
Weird messages
What gameplay do yall want added to the sims 4?
Her life
Had a breakdown but I was signed off from therapy last week.
Relapsed after 2 years, 1 month clean.
(On an article about a girl having been r****) "Ugly girls can't be r****!" I thought so too ..until it happened
wHy iS It lIkE tHaT?