What film, trilogy or saga/franchise do you think comes the closest to surpassing The Lord of the Rings trilogy?
Maybe I missed it all but why do I feel like Loki Season 2 wasn’t talked about enough? It was a genuine work of art and I’m not exaggerating when I say this is probably the single best piece of MCU content ever.
Is Jonathan Hickman’s Marvel Saga peak fiction? I’ve heard really good things about it, is it worth the read?
Elden Ring is one of the most captivating and interesting fictional universes ever made, but what other universes/worlds do you think is just as good and captivating?
How good is The Culture series by Ian M. Banks? Is it one of the best pieces of sci-fi out there? Is it worth the read?
Is Star Trek something younger audiences still love or is it mainly a franchise that only older people/people who grew up with it tend to like?
The most annoying thing about Warhammer 40k lore to me is the way you consume it
How would you rank these films from favourite to least favourite?
Warhammer Fantasy or Warhammer 40k? Which side of the hobby do you prefer and think is better in terms of the lore, literature and world building etc?
[Discussion] Besides DC Comics what’s your favourite fictional setting/franchise?
Besides Star Wars what’s your favourite franchise/setting?
Besides Tolkien’s Legendarium what’s your favourite fictional setting?
Besides Mass Effect what’s your favourite fictional setting?
Besides The Elder Scrolls what’s your favourite fictional setting?
[Spoilers Main] Besides A Song of Ice and Fire what’s your favourite fictional setting?
The Culture series is not a very popular book series but within this sub I see nothing but praise for it. Do you think The Culture by Ian M. Banks is the greatest work of sci-fi ever produced?
What’s your favourite fictional IP in all of sci-fi/fantasy?
Unpopular opinion but I think Alien is a much better film than Star Wars (1977) and any Star Wars film for that matter
Taking Tongkat Ali 10% and 2% on the same day or taking x2 10% on the same day?
The Dune series by Frank Herbert is nothing short of phenomenal