If you could make any Crumbl collab happen, what would it be?
Making up imaginary conversations for her non-verbal kids again
Who the heck cooking ar midnight?
No one cares about your cervix
Everyday is her birthday
Why did they just spread the butter on the toast first before cutting it?
Stirandstyle is truly out of touch with reality posting an egg recipe when there is a national egg shortage.
Weird Fear and Needing to Validate Loser JP
Why can’t you be out alone? Velcro June behavior and boobs on display again
Always need to zip down for cleavage
“Babe pretend to be working then slowly look at me so it will look like a candid video”
Can’t just make a normal post without a link!
Delulu was teaching kids cleaning is their responsibility
Stirandstyle is down a couple thousand (BOT) followers because of her idiotic, out-of-touch, tone-deaf content. Also, she STILL has the preggo emoji in her bio because she’s OBSESSED with being pregnant!
She really acts like this in public too 🥴
Such a lazy post
All her ideas are from us
She cut back on boob pics
Bye ya bish
The whole Mill ad was cringy and strange
Future housemaid/cleaner in training
From cozy warriors story and I am pretty sure that’s put end of June and Anna’s friendship
Actual footage of June Quan when she was in high school
The “I’m so quirky” schtick is getting old.