how to tease someone sexually to the point he won’t be able to control himself?
how do u kiss someone that smokes cigarettes/weed?
how long did it take u and your partner to hookup?
How long did it take for you and your partner to decide to sleep together?
how long it took u to sleep with your partner?
after how many dates have u slept with your partner?
why i’m obsessed with someone but doesn’t even like his personality or want him?
what could be a reason for a guy to reject a bj from a girl?
do u have to talk everyday on a talking stage?
is it early to have dry humping on the third meeting ?
what to do when i like a person personality but not sure if i’m physically attracted to him?
how to accept he doesn’t want me anymore?
if someone barley text me throughout the day but talk on the phone with me almost every night for hours is he interested or not?
how many hours does it take for a reply to know the other person isn’t interested ?
how to stop being clingy to the person i want?
how do i stop feeling like everyone hates me?
Can certain people trigger you?
Is sex really such a big thing?
Fighting urges from explosive feelings
Fuck BPD
what hobbies makes u go out the house?
How do u stop being obsessed with people?
Anyone single crave a relationship?
What us BPD manupilating?