What OpTic does in the offseason.
Kenny is horrible but Pred is LOST
Me being a massive Kenny fan/believer after he drops another .7
What do you believe were the defining factors that led to Shotzzy wanting Huke out? (Major one)
Safe to say thieves figured it out lmaoo
Shotzzy clip at the end of the stream
AG Free Agent?
Aches is absolutely pressed on Twitter.
JP heaps a ton of praise toward his team during the post event press conference 💚
CDL Stage 4 cards - @OpTicTexas (Top 12)
Pred is a generationally terrible search player
Has Kenny gone positive in any series in this stage?
Optic Texas vs Boston Breach | Major III Qualifiers (CDL 2024) | Full Stats | @GGBreakingPoint
Hot take: Octane has the best watch party for the Majors
FaZe v OpTic | Major I (CDL 2024) | Full Stats | @GGBreakingPoint
Kenny is Optics best player
What ever happened to Zinni and Allycxt?