Metamatics - For Brother (2000)
What is your "algorithm" in discovering new music?
A minute and fifty seconds . Alan Fitzpatrick are you kidding me.
Is smite 2 how smite used to be the first couple of years?
Smite 2 ram usage insane? Using up 90% of my ram.
Ntogn - Thaw
This game would be a must play if ad free was permanent.
First maxxed card! COINS!!!
South Asian Techno Tracks
Other than 'Wizard of Legend', what are some other cool roguelites with wizard-y characters/abilities?
T++ - Space Pong (2006)
Looking for some obscure IDM recs to inspire my next project
Once I hit 1Q coins my tower will be so strong
Pub - Error Floor (2024)
Kilchhofer - Lubbari
Fluxion - Oblique (1999)
Beginner tips for someone who just started?
Join Our Guild. We're supper friendly and still climbing the ranks
Ke Thu - Meshes (full album). This is one of the best modern Dub Techno releases! Every track flows seamlessly from one to the next. Give it a listen!
Fragmented glitchy ambient dub heavy IDM
Jan Jelinek - Tendency (2001)
Richie Hawtin via Instagram Minimal is making a return. 😴
My top artists and albums. How I adore this genre!
The Dancing Plague, Gareth Brookes, 2021, Published by SelfMadeHero, review in thread
A fine edition to my collection, BONE!