Some help with choice?
Lets not forget at who we are angry at.
I have been keeping statistics on LD scrolls for over six months.
Even with a blessing it's harder than ever to get a desirable 5*
Back 2 back 2 back. Hartmann is dupe (already got the collab).
Com2us employee confirmed, even alt accounts have giana
How to get good runes?
Sean b got another ld5
Looking to get into arena def and maybe rta in time
Wishes do come true [Mi Ying]
Shoutout to Com2Us Customer Support
What 5* monster family is fundamentally flawed?
I’m so tilted!!!!!
New player. When to keep or turn off special summon
Best L&D for RTA cleave on new account?
where are the new events?
What is wrong with AI ?
A little lost on what to do
Returning Player
Woke up to this I'm shocked
do the anniversary scrolls expire?
It’s kinda funny
If com2us LisentoReddit do you think this game will be better long term?
Hmmm Com2Us really wants to keep me playing Sigmund + Zenisek
Kanapka jaka jest to widać, jak smakuje lepiej nie pytać..