All these recent matchmaking complaint posts
Ranked mode has serious serious desync issues making it unplayable
Ngl, im not liking the ‘Bounty’ experience
Collision Still Broke, Unless Its An Enemy
Teammate Collision Thoughts, Season Two Edition
Wait Did Call Of Duty Just Make A Miku Clone? As A Calling Card
About those wipeout medals
Resting In Peace
Given the skins sold so far, would this character make more sense or less sense?
If you ever wondered why the COD player base is falling, here is one of your answers.
Yo he’s real.
Noob question regarding dark matter
Is there any problem with this daily challenge?
The BO6 circle of life
Character making callouts for things I can't see
I should’ve just ran 😂😂
Hard breakup
I decided to test server connections and here are my results.
If you flood Stakeout with smoke, ya mom’s a ho and your sister’s gonna flunk out of community college.
I suck at this game
Maybe the tags are too big
Totally unacceptable
Hello There!
If this happened to you, would you even be mad?