We need to talk about the elefant in the room
Skill Issue on my part
This game lame as hell. It's better in the Real Life update.
Death Statistics 1/7-1/8 (Oryxmania Edition)
Results of 430 Oryx Mania Box Spins
Crumble displaying how energetic greys can be
[ Removed by Reddit ]
User in R/ufos has cracked the aliens code and knows their true purpose! or is suffering a mental break according to some users
What did The Machine do😭😭😭
NPC's obbsession with Durrr Burger in Lego Brick Life?
Insane conspiracy theories just got the main and only mod of r/drones to resign and permanently shut down the subreddit. It had 230k members.
Updated Orbs over DIA
How has this not been discovered?
Death Stats (12/7-12/8)
getting back into the game, where do you start?
Are they trying something new with Nexus Portals?
Seeking Advice for Tree Detection and Coverage Calculation Using GIS Data
infernum moon lord keeps breaking
Determining the Impact of a Second Trump Era on Global Waste/Water
MMW: There will be a massive "brain drain" of scientists and other highly educated people from the United States.
Americans, how do you feel about the international stereotype that Americans are unintelligent?
This school is hot garbage, from the top down
If you were getting a non-GIS masters degree, what would it be and why?
Welcome home (blender eevee)
Where college graduates live vs historic election results in the US