Does anyone’s Nparents have a fantasized version of you?
Info on these stickers?
I need to know: why is it called the SUPE Store. That’s not a word.
Having trouble finding an exact match on this guy. Found in Alabama coal mine.
What did you "overreact" to?
How do you guys know so much?
im done
Other than Stardew Valley, what in your opinion is the best farming sim? Mine is this
My dad is a white supremacist
Do you think TSW is real? Recently there is a claim that 90% of adults who we think have Eczema actually have TSW by Dr. Rapaport.
Fashion Dreamer
WHY won't narcs let u sleep?
Some pre-apocalypse humor
Does anyone else’s nparent literally try to act as their health advisor every time something is up with them?
[Serious] Has anyone had the 2023 flu shot yet? How are the side effects?
Craziest thing parents made up about you
My Fiancée read my dad's abusive texts
New to bupropion- prescribed due to long haul covid
Does anyone else wake up at night since on Wellbutrin?
When was the moment you knew you were done trying to have a relationship with your narc parent(s)?
Due to being raised by narcs, do you ABSOLUTELY DETEST attention of any sort? Positive, negative, friends, fans, lovers, do you hate all of it?
If one of your parents is a narcissist what is your other parent?
Lycophyte fossil - stigmaria (?) / Walker County, AL
Weekly 'is this HS' thread
Doing so much better vs 1 year ago