Name this Game
What Are Your Small but Controversial Wrestling Takes?
Which Batman Hot take has you like this?
What caused Gamergate to lose steam?
Who is an actor or actress that, despite not being notably terrible or awful, you just can't bring yourself to take seriously?
Searching for obscure 80’s film
Which sequel has the biggest 'Gimmie' that you have give the writers so the story can happen? For me Ghostbusters 2 being based on people thinking Gozer and ghosts were a scam after day turned to night and streets were being ripped up in front of thousands is a 'Gimmie' to end them all.
What movie is this for you?
Tiny women who are consistently and severely underestimated by friends and foes.
Twists so iconic and well known that they can no longer be considered twists.
[Hated trope] asylum episode where they try and convince the main character all that happened was something they made up
Why do Capcom insist Haggar is too similar to Zangief so can't be added to Street Fighter while having at least the same 6 fireball/ dragon punch characters in every game. Are they stupid?
What video game mechanic made you quit a game entirely?
Two Siblings, One kills the other
Why did they lose to inferior races ? Are they stupid ?
A story told in paintings...
Name an actor who you can always rely on to give a good performance and who makes a movie better just by being in it.
what final boss fight had you like this
Name a movie everyone tells you is “boring”, that you absolutely love.
[Hated Tropes]: Incorrect fan interpretations that become so popular that people accept them as canon
Movie Performances That Stand Out in Otherwise Terrible Movies
Why is Randy Orton shocked?wrong answers only
An 80s ish horror movie except I can only remember one scene. A young boy is in the basement trying to do laundry when a monster hand reaches through the wall and grabs his arm. He drops the laundry and runs upstairs. Then I believe it cuts to the monster whose hand it was.
What is the first episode that Scully experiences something undeniably supernatural?
What's your favourite 'old man is secretly a badass' movie?