AIO - now ex bf said I failed his test and blocked me
Target Score. Found these babies today after checking back a at previous target I’ve been to. Happy to have my Sasquoosh. Unfortunately, we have keep checking , since the app tells us nothing. Frustrating
How to mark as shipped?
New tester - Grasshopper Cake
reflection, or edited?
Got honked at for something that was 100% my fault, feel terrible
Are these any good? First time seeing this flavor
type "Sonic &" and let Autocomplete finish it
Make a burger
It's been 10 years and people still call and text me looking for a guy named Dennis
Type, “I am skipping school because” and let autocomplete do its thing
I cannot STAND resellers
I was banned for no reason?
Fugglers at Walmart (advice)
I got my new shelf
Umm what?
Good bot
What's your favorite Ben & Jerry's flavor of all?
AIO is my BF o.r. about my best friend and her bf coming over to shower since they don’t have one?
Pick 3 flavors
what drugs does the bakery department use while making these?j
Just going to leave this here…
i’m convinced that the other 2 valentines fuggs don’t exist in store. i checked every store in a 100 mile radius. nada 😂 anyone see them in stores?
Which would you choose??
The new update is a disaster.