If you could a new mechanic to the series, what would it be?
Whats your opinion about Invasion?
(Making the best Twisted Metal game day 3) pick which game has the best vibe so that it’ll be the vibe of this installment (Vibe)
My 9yo rescue Ming Ming. She was declawed in both her front and back paws, and had her vocal cords tampered with by a previous owner
Why so many fragile egos on this game.
Conan armor
I cannot be the only one who thinks tremor is the least used kameo in the game
Snowy Roads or Drive-In Movies?
Thoughts on recent nerfs/buffs mentioned in Kombat Kast?
Shang Janet meterless 44%
Todays Kombat Kast: Buffs/Nerfs & New Moves
I can forgive a lot of the difficulty in Black
What are your honest opinions about Mortal Kombat 1?
Any Twisted Metal fav characters?
How to counter havik?
Guess my cats gender
Is it just me or the difficulty is „alright“?
How are we feeling about the black flame?
Do you think his privates are black and wrinkly
Say something positive about this game
Monkey King
So what exactly can the United States do to guarantee the safety of Ukraine?
Is the Unholy Chestplate an underrated piece of armor? Is the dex penalty too much for your normal playthroughs?
You’re favorite character is banished from ever existing. Who got banished, and who would be your new favorite?