Why is the Lego pieces turning yellow?
which one are you?
Happy birthday sigils hope you have an amazing day
Who seen the Hogwarts Legacy - Official Launch Trailer
What is the first thing you would do when you get to Hogwarts?
Other than Hogwarts what is the one magical place you want to visit?
What is your patronus?
I thought this was funny
You can have 1 founders item, the Diadem of Ravenclaw, The cup of Hufflepuff, The Sword of Gryffindor or the Locket of Slytherin, which one do you pick?
How many Students can Hogwarts have?
If you could create one new store in the Diagon Alley, what would you sell?
Name a character from the books that people don't remember and we will try to guess who they are.
What should I name my owls
If Harry ended up with Hermoine, who would've ended up with Ron?
my wife got me a Wizard Chess set for Christmas!
HP Lego set from my mom for Christmas!
What’s your favourite dragon
Here we go again with "Insane Craft"
Sigils Forgotten That Insane Craft Ended & Still Did The Insane Craft Intro On Camp Minecraft (& Where's Henwy & BeckBroJack Like You Promise On Ep 1&2)
I just found this while scrolling through YouTube vids on my phone
the marauders
Guess what my favorite color is?