If someone fakes keys nowadays, they’re also likely to be crew.
Imp getting caught at start
Hosts on a power trip
I dint think thats how you spell it
The phantom transform duration is too long
The players who act everything you say is dumb
What is the point of saying 'no spawn killing' if the person that reports it gets banned?
Permanent ban hack megathread
Is the permanent ban hack still going about?
do u prefer ss or phantom?
Thoughts on AFK players going AFK because they’re eating?
How do you deal with people who take the game seriously?
A lobby that was defending the teamers XD
No grouping rule in one lobby but I’ve seen people group during mixup/comms sab round one anyway??
Shiftnseek is it still thing?
To hosts who ban you for asking why they don't kick/ban cheaters
How do you find zero cooldown lobbies?
Is “move your bag, please" to aggressive to say to people who selfishly refuse to proactively take their bag of the sear when there are people standing on public transport ?
It Has Been 100 Days Since The Roles2 Release
Why do people care about being banned or kicked from random public lobbies?
After this game bro banned me for thinking he self reported😭
Why do they take their partner imp name when they got caught ?
Thoughts on Self Reporting as Impostor?