Update: AITAH for telling my mom she is dead to me if she mentors my bully?
Ex-Ravers, when did you quit raving and why?
Who do you think is the actual greatest rap lyricist of our generation?
Should I charge the guest these fees
I’m (26F) jealous of long torso women
My partner thanked me for being her best friend
Is it worth $5.57 for a 15 mile trip?
My closest friend is convinced I was groomed and I just don’t see it.
Landlord is dragging their heels - what timeframe is reasonable to have a broken oven fixed?
Does needing to fix the heat constitute an emergency allowing for entry?
AITA for refusing to make my daughter issue an apology to the class clown and telling the mother her daughter is a brat.
AITA for encouraging my daughter to body-shame the girl who is bullying her?
WIBTA if I grounded my daughter for forging my signature?
Hi, is there any thing I can do to dispute this. I did not scratch the car personally I think it may have been done whilst on the ferry by another driver. Turo is saying $1071CAD to repair a scratch?
My girlfriend ruined us financially
My Roommate has been talking bad about me on Twitter
Landlord says they will issue a 2nd N12
Seeking advice on damage
AITA for not allowing my daughter to take day off from school in order to queue for the first row in concert of her favourite band
AITA for not giving my son more allowance even though he is going hungry at practice.