Calling all fragheads! What kind of fragrances do we think Draco, Hermione, and others would wear?
Either wave the flag of the country you live in or live in the country you wave the flag of.
Would you say your childhood felt more Millennial or Gen Z? For me, I didn’t get a smartphone until high school.
Funny how the death toll required for genocide varies depending on whether or not the victims are Israeli.
Are you a morning person, a night owl, or neither?
How much longer do you think the democrats are going to continue with their whole “Nazis” Phase?
Ok, can we please stop trying to sneak 2000s birth years into eras that are almost exclusively mid90s oriented? its getting annoying
🥰💘💌6k Valentine’s Day Giveaway 💌💘🥰
People who claim they look younger than their age but are told by people online that they actually look their age or even older
Has the left become more unhinged than ever?
Where did this whole “millennials are entitled” stereotype come from?
The Left should’ve seen the Rightward shift coming
2003 is NOT zillennial/early Gen Z
Climate change is not going to cause a Midwest resurgence.
“Pushing 30”!?!?
The current ‘fascist panic’ from the left is both hysterical and hypocritical.
Has Elon caused a rift in the party?
Is 27 old? Is 27 still a youthful age?
Should a 29-year-old have a lifestyle more similar to a typical 40 -year-old or a typical 21-year-old?
Do you personally prefer a traditional wedding, an elopement, or none?
My thoughts on who counts as a Millennial
It literally does not matter who you voted for or your political leaning. Find class solidarity instead of shifting blame to others
(Politics Monday) Trump admin picks by religious affiliation
Is being in your late 20s in 2025 a late millennial or early gen z trait?