Looking for a movie or series where a character feels lost, either they don’t know what to do with their life or feel like they’re wasting their time. Something that explores aimlessness, uncertainty, or a search for meaning.
Recommendations desperately needed
Tips for a clueless Iron Mono Milio?
What are some recommendations you guys have based on my list? Or which of the shows I want to watch should I watch next?
Which horror movie film score actually creeps you out?
I swear I can't be the only one who noticed this back when BDSP was first released right?
What champs to otp?
The Substance - The General Analogy
Best Trinity Force component
Honestly how is this acceptable
Your process for learning the game
The Triple Tonic rune needs to change
The real reason why you shouldn't be toxic
Revenge movies
I need to find another movie that just makes me think.
Feeling down, any good comfy movies?
Meet at Door but directs you to leave at door
How do you deal with midlaners that can't side lane
Other roles are too forgiving I mean look at this
Good Korean films?
How to make sure my mechanical skill is at max potential?
Why is realm spike getting nerfed at all big time, like half of its damage? Blood song makes sense due to its high prio in pro play but realm spike is only picked on Mage supports and the majority of Mage supports aren't even that great right. Stat wise mages are not doing well, not fair
Champion pool and sunk cost biais
Foreign biology sci-fi body horror.
Who’s the hottest Challenger?