So I'm basically from all over the world
People rant at me for “not liking my own culture”
Is the test worth doing for a Korean?
Koreans who also speak English, do you find that the mouth movements are notably different, or do you maybe speak more succinctly?
The expression “to suck ass” does not exist in English?
Question about writing a thank you letter.
Question about consequences for parents of a teenager repeatedly riding trains without a ticket
What do you think 부담스럽다 translates to?
How do you say "on my birthday"? 생일 때 or 생일날에
What does “-요“ add to a word
Japanese women started sharing the misogyny in their society in English
Japanese women start with sharing their Misogyny in English
This movie hits different after experiencing living in the US
Why are American race/ ethnicity surveys so specific about not being Hispanic/ Latino?
Best Swiss universities for a computer science program in English?
Is it normal for a 할머니 to refer to a baby as 새끼?
“Invite someone for dinner” does not imply you’re paying for them?
I’m thinking about opening a new credit card - Chase Sapphire Preferred. Do you think it’s a good idea given my spending pattern?
Any advice on how to improve my financial situation?
Why do some women call their boyfriend “daddy” in English speaking countries?
Really struggling to understand this concept!
Does anything know what this means in English?
How do I say "your" without being rude?
Who offers or asks to speak informally
What's the deal with the words Oppa and Onni?
What is the function of "여" in this context?