Rate the Dino Art I Made For The New Story I’m Writing
Did the Diplocaulus Gen 2 tasks got deleted?
VIP tourney
Side mission hatching not registered
Is this worth it???
Market ban update
Is this even possible? I have to use one pterosaur and one amphibian.
Updated WR Crossack build
Deal or no deal?
Market ban
Ticket response times
Aquatic tournament😭
Market banned???
rate my rooster for my level
That feeling being a tournament creature the player only got 1 of and never unlocked
I’ve never tried going for dominator before would I be able to with my team? How many trophies are needed?
Event pass
Next event pass
Absolutely crazy trade
it gave me 2 brachiosaurus instead of a homalocephale, wtf do i do now?
I made a scav vs nomads brawl
New Pack "Herald of pyre (Lite edition)"
Why are these 2 at the same BR? Am I missing something?