General Grievous, the supreme commander of the droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems (My first attempt to make him)
models for the Edaru, a fictional species from the world of Nox that I am worldbuilding
"Let the Galaxy BURN!" :Horus Lupercall the Archtraitor: Warhammer 40K
Legendary Lizardmen lords of Lustria (kroq Gar, Tetto Ekko and more) (warhammer fantasy/ old World)
#COMBATZONE : Moro Eyron and his mobile battlemech Taipan Two enter the COMBATZONE to support their team with their unique fighting style
In this dim future, you and your mech are the only ones who can win glory and power in #COMBATZONE, Proxy Duelist.
Imperial Knights from Warhammer 40K
Worldbuilders with multiple sapient species, what are your favorites and what makes them stand out to you? And which one do you think represents your world best?
[Transcripts] Resolve -Chapter 2: Into the Fold
[Transcripts] Resolve -Chapter 1: Small Comforts
Is anyone else getting the weird glossy skin on their minis? It's on all of the skin colors. I think it happened when they updated the website for the January 8th release notes.
Corrupted Trader (First time using Hero Forge. Thoughts?)
Which teeth are better for a feral vampire?
Maddie Reynolds (Medea Zhuria) getting some unfortunate news for the #DragonbornAnniversary
Advent Calendar Day 29 - Battersea Shield
Merry Hogswatch Eve.
Give me two folktales/legends from your world, one true, and one false.
(No kitbashing!) I remade an older mini
I'm a bit confused (new obviously)
Mundizuma's revenge...
Dinosaurs part 2
Dismounted Reiksguard Knight
Species from "Leaving the Cradle"