Daily Country #144 - What's your opinion on Russia?
POV: You've been playing too much HOI
I refuse to believe this is real.
Is 515,000 ruble enough for a week in Moscow?
BL Public Enemy monkaOMEGA
LoL stuttering like crazy with RivaTuner from MSI Afterburner on. Forsen-related cuz he's been playing this shit all day and night
Forsen is now rank 317 Briar in Europe West and rank 7 Midlane Briar in Europe West
Posting my dog Otis until forsen plays black flag; day 450
Did some people forget games are for fun?
Moscow sadness
Who is, or are, considered to be Russian greatest traitor?
Geography baj here, small analysis about the US geopolitics for the bajs:
Daily Country #140 - What's your opinion on Poland?
Opened the stream to him dying mid. Another Ironman stream.
Historical focus: I was France. Germany never attacks...and gets invaded by Netherlands?!
Question as a relatively new player: Is it a bug or oversight to get a Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact offer during a war with Germany in 1939? Is this kind of thing common, or did I encounter a bug that I should maybe report?
how should i response?
Here's what I think about his league gameplay
Baj roadmap
"Better racism" as a development ticket. Songs of Syx developer is a baj confirmed.
Tutorial for bajs how to kuk eg
Congratulations, Baj. You have nearly made it to 2025 without killing yourself. You have done well.
Just got town hall 17 in clash of clans