Pics of the M91/24 Carcano from my LGS
Taurus PT99
An American of The United States of America freaks out inside a 7-Eleven
500k miles
Just getting started
Never buy a carcano from J&G sales
Rti carcano wandering if their is anything interesting about mine
Is wearing surplus considered stolen valor?
Is it normal for my cat to not meow?
Identified any more information
Carcano Collection
Why Do Some Veterans Have Highly Successful Civilian Careers And Others Don't?
Just hit 100k in my 2018
Looking for grips - PT99 AF
Well, crap
I had the nerve to try to get her in the cat carrier for a vet visit
Shaved groin for the first time, how to avoid the itch?
Sell handgun?
Do you care about import marks/matching serials?
What would y’all done?
Mosin bolt harder to operate
I got a unique one for you guys?
Can anyone give information on these and maybe some pricing?
If you could only keep one from your collection, which would it be?
My feyoncé 39F is making me 31M get rid of my cat.