Arise settlement checks are going out. Just got mine
Special candy, where did it go?
Valentine's Day cake event I won 100 gold bars😍🎉🎉
They took away my super color bomb after I'd earned it!!
Can we get some of these Piece by Piece movie pieces in Lego fortnite??!! Especially, particularly that LV bag (for storage). Sorry if this is not allowed or posted already. Seriously though, what about that bag?!
New streamer, is this rude?
I dont know why people be hating on yall relationship.
Can't Publish Ads, Help! (Reservation ad set predictions must be successfully reserved before publishing ads)
Kai he broke the promise
My view of Kai at RAW
Direct link to vote -
Kai going crazy in DR 😂😂😂
My kitchen needs more!
Can we increase the decoration cap please??
i noticed this when they was singing happy bday to him and kaiya. kai you good gang?
My 2nd Biggest City 🌃
This Was Reaction 😂🥰 I Love This For Them You Can Literally See The Happiness & Glow In Kai He Couldn’t Stop Smiling 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Look at this nigga couple months ago, he so fake😭😭happy for dude tho
I built an app over the weekend and it got 10K visitors in 12 hours
What are your thoughts about the next update??
What the heck is this?
Raven NPC acting strange
You have a lot of women supporters they of age too we slowly beating allegations😭
so close yet so far.. still by far the greatest subathon of all time though. (i WILL get bingo on mafiathon 3 🫡)
Those Those Those