How do you deal with unreliable friends?
Feeling icky after a friend told me he likes me - trying to process
My date googled me on our date
Idk if y’all seen the story of the woman who was killed by her husband and then he took his life and then her family had a joint funeral for them!!’
My grandpa is dying. I'm going to visit him before he can't recognize me. What are your thoughts on bringing a new partner to this kind of thing?
Do you have any creative outlets in your life?
Can you have PTSD from workplace bullying?
What was your last straw?
Should we ban/restrict romance and sex questions similar to r/askmen?
There’s something about Kristin Cavalari
Advice on alcohol
I’m in an Abusive Relationship. Please tell me things will be ok.
Why do they have moments where they are so nice?
The "jokes" about abuse/hurting you...what does it mean, and why do they do this? Am I overreacting like he says?
Anyone else notice that a lot of men try to use dating apps as a free prostitution service?
How does physical abuse escalate?
Giving up alcohol for the new year
Decided to spend new year's eve by myself :)
Advice on what to do with my nails
What have you outgrown or noticed since you’ve turned 30?
Does this sound like a threat? It is pretty vague so it's hard for me to understand exactly what's going on here.
Labels with an ex
How do you start loving yourself more?
My partner turns into Mr Hyde whenever he's hungry
Anger. It's contagious.