Does somebody feel, like you live with the abuser and you need to find a way to make him “positive”?
A kid is not cooperating
Guanfacine and explosive aggression
guanfacine and hitting
Why are they soo involved with their children?? Unpopular opinion: Sarah is the best parent of all of them
Baby apple sauce? Paw patrol cheese?
I need a shoulder to cry on
Energylandia tickets - 2, till 02.02.2025
My kid killed a frog. I am desperate
20 years old
Safe passage through West Ukraine
The entitlement of Mandy
How do you throw away perfectly good items?
What is your favorite European country apart from your home country or country of residence? What's the reason?
Travel to Ukraine 2024
Brain fog
Що робити вдома, коли нема світла?
Why would this obviously sick woman buy them all this candy at Old Navy when they were just going home to their house of mega junk and sweets? She is plying them with sugar at an alarming almost hourly rate.
I see the light
What will she do when kids start moving out?
Evening routine
John Webster.......SUPERDAD????
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