Whats up myco fam
A nice amex asymmetric shoebox I harvested a couple days ago
Looking like green trich? [contamination]
Has anyone ever grown bifrost and if so do you have a picture because im trying to compare mine because I cant find anything
Amex asymmetric
Facebook officially smoked me 180 days
Shakti blue ravioli [actives]
Heres another one today
Jackfrost looking great
F you zuckerberg
Happy to be here!! Best people I know!!
Which strains of Natalensis are easiest to grow and which are the best to try?
BiFrost (SV13 x P. Nat) 🧬 by PsyTeamUnited, 1:2 Popcorn to CVG ratio, XLS grow bag, 3 weeks from S2B
A good friend told me UB Tek is bullshit.