My mom is getting her arm amputated, and I’m selfishly relieved.
AITAH for telling my bf not to bring his guns out around me.
My cousin nearly killed our grandfather with her kid.
AITA for refusing to wear colored contacts for my wedding because my fiancé’s family thinks my natural eye color is "too intense"?
Lex Luthor was misunderstood by many people in BvS
AITA for taking back the car I gave to my stepdaughter after she disrespected me?
Single players: check your map’s biomes before you start playing
My husband nasty breath has ruined our sex life.
My wife wants me to cut off contact with my girl best friend after the birthday gift she gave me. Am I wrong for telling my wife no?
I spent years of my life and thousands of dollars making hundreds of fun costumes and now they’re constantly accused of being AI
Most end-of-the-world predictions can be laughed off pretty easily, but I must admit this one has me wondering
Amazon cessera ses activités au Québec « dans les deux prochains mois »
Qu'est-ce qu'on perd quand on a pas Amazon Prime à part la livraison rapide?
My 10 year old just won't go to school
Would Canadians trade their healthcare system with whatever pros and cons it has, for America’s healthcare system?
Rent in Montreal Where affordable means 2000 for a shoebox
Hosers! I have a Solution to Save Canada from the Yanks!
We All Can Spot a Yank - Speak Only French to Americans until 2029.
If Mark Carney becomes PM he will attend the Quebec Winter Carnival at some point, then we can all say it's the "Quebec Winter Carney" or "Carney-val de Quebec" with "Bonhomme Carnaval et Mark Carney-val"
Heres some beautiful and affordable produce at my local asian grocer.
How many good days do you get per month?
I (33F) found out the guy (37M) I’m seeing was married and I left him peacefully. Now my family and friends are telling me I should tell his wife.
Unintended consequences 🤭
Am I guilty of saying no one should have children if they can't provide for them?