You’re a god, random person
Exploring expedition areas
Shotgun for crippling scorchbeasts
Caravan’s always glitchy, but there’s one spot in particular
Milepost zero is basically dead or abandoned now.
Dropped dead from eating a pie
Killed the Scorched Queen way too quick
You know how your phone shows your apps’ memory use by percentage?
Nuke The Palace of the Winding Path
I’m a melee noob with a new tricked out auto axe
Vulcan drops suck
Caravans: Is it worth grinding?
Near zero enemies in a nuke zone
My controller triggers are acting… odd. Thoughts?
Controller triggers acting… odd
Max caps and nothing to buy
What Big Guns Do You Carry?
No rhyme or reason to crop hitboxes
Two Teams in a Raid
Do Prime Plan rewards eventually reset?
Scrapping known legendaries
Finally just grinding Union
Grinding out bloodied and other 1 star mods
Places to force loot respawns
Switching between ballistic and energy