Yor (Kemono: Khyle)
Y’all what is this called? I’ve never seen a cluster of black holes in game before.
Tell me I make bad choices without telling me I make bad choices
This is a war crime
How do we save thugging? I'm actually quite sad all of the main thugging subreddits are getting deleted and NSFWd. I may not have a purpose anymore
What would you call this country?
Ranma 1/2 is good
Revacholian Monarchy
Season 2?
Total Chud victory
Masquline urge to be a Mita
Everyone has their own problems
The two types of r/goodanimemes comments
It's that easy
Wordington Gameover
Just created this body of water, what the fuck should I name it?
Wtf goin on over there
She's a married woman
I found a strange bug with what looks like eggs on it’s back
Anon on Asmongold