ELI5: Why don't we restore ancient ruins?
ULPT: Incorrect 1099-R form
Rubber Bands Are Better Than Hair Ties
It's better to ask what music person hates instead of asking what they like
Men with big noses are more attractive than men with small noses.
ELI5: How do hurricanes collect and hold so much water and produce mass amounts of rain?
What are the oldest quotes that are still very relevant today?
Eggs were gone in less than 10 minutes at Costco
USB-C charging is inferior to rechargeable AA.
Papa John’s gave me a singular banana pepper… yes i paid the 1$ for more - open the box to this 😭
Pringles Packages got so small that you can’t even stick your hand inside anymore
The „salad“ I ordered to my main dish from a vegan restaurant
Your data is your currency—protect it like your wallet.
When Biden was president…
ULPT Fake School
Elon Musk Has Broken the Constitutional Order
People who travel, what is an immediate red flag in hotels?
Need help with zero sodium recipes.
If Trump is going to get rid of all these federal agencies, why are we even paying taxes anymore?
What food could a single household grow that would yield the biggest “bang for your buck”?
ULPT: If you're in a lawsuit, give the opposing counsel food poisoning before an important court date
ELI5: How do incarcerated people get jacked if all they eat is prison food?
What are the likely unintended consequences of Musk / Trump shenanigans?
ELI5: Why is it that no matter how short you are around fried food you ALWAYS smell like a kitchen?
Is my bone broth still good?