Why is Uzi shorter than other worker drones?
Guys, I unironically think this is our moment to shine!
Tick, check, check mark
These images are all the same kid btw
Tyranid Camouflage Tactics (commission)
Damn Heaven looks a lot like an Aeldari Craftworld.
What do I do in this situation? (I’m in the bear trap)
Rate my dr.house fanart
Of course girls aren't real to incels, because y'all are so revolting to women that we turn around and walk away
Take your age. That’s your age.
Losercity engagement
Now that’s what I call MASS MURDER
How a warhammer aos/fantasy crossover would go
Beer. But wine?
We need to talk about your flairs, people!
Dealing with people you can’t stand
Uzi wants your help take over France. how will you do it?
My former roommate worked at Respawn in 2014 and gave me this on release day. I just found it while rearranging.
the head eater but what the fuck?
Funny Trench Humor
Hulk vs Space Marine and Primarchs, height comparison
Is this supposed to be a child or a disabled person?
What do my stats say about me?